Prospecting Ideas for Current / Past / Potential Clients
Reach out to past clients to remind them to get a mortgage health check and talk about interest rates
Reach out to clients who purchased a few years ago - are their mortgages up for renewal? This is a great reason to keep in touch. Enlist the help of our Strategic Partners - Vine Group & Westlake Group. Click here for contact details.
Other topics:
See if they made any improvements to their home, and if those are covered by their insurance.
Home maintenance check
Provide CMA updates to past & potential clients' homes
People appreciate updates on how much their homes are worth in the current market - even if they're not in the position to move at the moment. It's a great conversation piece.
Attend agent Open Houses
This is one of the best ways to get to know your farm area and stay informed on the market. Also a great networking opportunity.
Book previews on homes in your farm area
Notify the Listing Agent that this is a preview when booking your appointment, be courteous. Actually seeing the homes in person versus looking at them on the MLS have noticeable differences. If you're a hands-on person, it will help you learn about a neighbourhood much faster than researching online.
Be a volunteer. Pick your charity.
Volunteering at your favourite charity is a great way to give back to the community and meet new people!